Easily Dispute Your Payments with Us 

Payments are the fuel that keeps businesses going. But sometimes errors happen, and transactions go wrong. These mistakes cause headaches for merchants and customers alike. 

At Callpay, we totally get it. Dealing with payment disputes is frustrating. You have to fill lengthy forms, wait endlessly, and still end up unsatisfied.  

We believe there’s a simpler, faster and more transparent way to handle payment issues. One that brings merchants and customers closer through trust. When disputes inevitably arise, you can bank on us to resolve them swiftly and seamlessly. 

Common Causes of Erroneous Payments 

To understand payment disputes, it helps to first look at why errors occur in the first place. Some common reasons include: 

Incorrect amount entries: Customers may inadvertently enter the wrong amount when making a payment. Similarly, merchants could incorrectly capture amounts when processing transactions. 

Double charges: Technical glitches may cause the same transaction to be processed twice, leading to duplicate charges and the customer disputes the payment debit. 

Fraudulent transactions: Fraudsters may gain unauthorised access to accounts and make fraudulent purchases. Customers would certainly want to dispute such malicious transactions and get the payment refunded.

Disputed services/products: Disputes may arise if customers feel they didn’t receive services or products as advertised. For instance, incorrect items delivered, damaged goods, unacceptable service quality etc. would cause the customer to want to refund the payment made. 

Processing errors: Issues at the payment gateway, acquirer or bank-end could also interrupt the payment process and cause errors. 

While the causes are many, the solution lies in having a robust dispute management system. This is where Callpay shines through. 

How to Dispute a Payment with Callpay 

When errors creep into transactions, our system simplifies how to dispute a payment in South Africa for a seamless resolution. Here are the key stages:

  1. Initiation
    The first step is initiating a dispute through our user-friendly platform. Customers can log into their account and raise disputes for erroneous charges. Merchants also have access to the same self-service portal to initiate disputes for incorrect settlements or refund payment requests. 

    The process has been designed to be intuitive even for non-technical users. Minimal details are required like transaction reference, amount, reason for dispute etc. Once submitted, users get email confirmations on dispute creation.

  2. Verification
    Upon receiving a payment dispute, we undertake necessary verifications to establish its authenticity. These checks are crucial to avoid fraudulent claims. Verification involves validating user identities, confirming transaction details on the system, reviewing relevant communication and documentation, and determining the legitimacy of the dispute.

    For instance, if a customer claims non-delivery of goods, the courier records are checked. If duplicate billing is reported, transaction histories are verified. Such thorough validation lends credibility to the dispute resolution process.

  3. Resolution
    The core of dispute management lies in investigation and resolution. We prioritise this process to enable quick closure.

    Disputes are resolved based on applicable laws, scheme rules, our policies and above all, principles of fairness. Certain dispute types have defined resolution timelines, for instance billing errors or fraudulent transactions. 

    Where necessary, additional information may be sought from the concerned parties via emails or calls. Upon reviewing all relevant facts, a decision is made to either uphold the dispute and issue a refund/reversal or reject the dispute and maintain the charge. 
    Throughout the lifecycle, users can check dispute status on the portal. Email alerts are also sent at every stage – submission, resolution and closure.

  4. Communication
    Clear and timely communication ensures seamless progress. Users can conveniently track dispute stages on their dashboards. Our support team is available on call and email to address any clarifications. Where required, they liaise between customers and merchants during the dispute process.
  5. Closure
    Once a dispute decision is reached, closure steps are initiated like refunds or reversed settlements. Users are notified on the portal, by email and SMS. For upheld disputes, we facilitate the necessary adjustments between the involved parties. Refunds are processed within committed turnaround times. In some cases, conditional temporary credits are issued until a permanent resolution is achieved. Review mechanisms exist in case users wish to re-assess the dispute outcome based on additional facts. However, this does not hamper the closure of the existing dispute lifecycle. 

Key Benefits of Disputing through Us 

Callpay offers several advantages when managing transaction disputes: 

  1. Speedy resolution: With efficient validation, investigation and decisioning processes, disputes are resolved faster compared to traditional systems. 
  2. Convenience: Our online self-service portal and 24×7 assistance enables users to initiate and track disputes easily. 
  3. Reliability: Rigorous verification and focus on fair resolutions ensure credible outcomes. 
  4. Transparency: Users have complete visibility into dispute stages via status updates. 
  5. Reduced fraud: Enhanced security features minimise fraudulent disputes. 
  6. Improved compliance: Adherence to scheme rules and consumer protection laws ensure lawful resolutions. 
  7. Stronger relationships: Smooth dispute handling fosters greater trust between merchants and customers. 
  8. Seamless integrations: Our APIs and webhooks enable easy integration with external systems for real-time notifications. 
  9. Operational efficiencies: Automation, analytics and machine learning drive process improvements. 

Ensuring You’re Safe to Make Payments 

We create a secure environment for digital transactions between merchants and customers. Our platform is designed to minimise errors. Should disputes arise, the resolution process is stellar – simple, fast and fair. 

Merchants enjoy elevated sales from “frictionless” payments and Customers appreciate the smooth dispute handling. Collectively, it fosters greater loyalty and advocacy. 

Whether you are a merchant looking to enable reliable online direct card payments or a customer seeking a safe resolution for transaction errors, choose us. Experience the advantages of robust payment infrastructure and exemplary dispute management.